Have you looped in yet?

By joining Local Loop, you can improve your cash flow, get paid on time, and pay your suppliers promptly, fostering better business relationships.

Start by claiming your business on the trading map, and say goodbye to the fear, uncertainty, and debt associated with late payments.

Tell me more

LocalLoop is a first
of its kind finance app launching in Merseyside.

Managing cash flow and chasing late payments can be a major headache for local businesses, leading to stress and strained relationships.

We understand that cash flow issues often stem from a ripple effect of unpaid invoices - a cycle of "I can't pay because I haven't been paid." Traditional methods like invoice factoring are not the solution.

Instead, Local Loop offers a unique, collaborative approach using advanced network science to identify and resolve payment gridlocks. It starts on the map!

Our Mission

Our Mission

There are many exciting growth opportunities within the local Merseyside business community. However, cash-flow struggles across the SME economy can cause a strain on development.

Working with local business networks, community groups, and anchor institutions, Local Loop Merseyside will offer financial network effects that will bring new powers to the city region's economy.

Claim my business

Register your interest to get invited to the trading Map

One of our team will be in touch.

Our strategic partners